Friday, September 15, 2006

BLStream Poland - Edinburgh Adventure Weekend

Saturday 9th Sept saw us treating a
group of 10 Polish java programmers based in sunny Dunfirmline to the delights of mountain biking around the Pentlands. The weather was still awesome - with a definite Summer feel

Paivi was guiding with Jon, Iza and Annett tagging along to help out. We did the usual route: up the road from Flottestone, past the reservoirs, the off raod stuff through the hills over to Marchbank/Balerno before heading past Threpmuir Rerservoir then back up over Midden Cleuch before a banging descent back to Flottestone.

The evening started with an excellent pub meal at the Jekyll and Hyde, followed by a bit of a crawl around the Royal Mile, ending up at about 1am at the famous El Bario...

For something completly different we hired in - with the guy's first ever surfing lessons at Belhaven Bay. The whole experience was ace - even the wetsuit touch rugby warm up session. The instructor Sam and his mate Mark were so enthusiastic and inspirational thoughthe sea was a little bit flat and the surfers, being from Szeccin, Wroclaw and Stafford, were not exactly born-to-it-naturals. However some of the guys even managed to stand for a few nano-seconds...

The weather was so warm, we didnt really need the warm-up again session at Glenkinchie Distillery - but it is on the way home anyway!

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